Bird Dropping Clean Up And Removal Services
Bird dropping cleaning services, otherwise known as, Pigeon Guano clean up services, refers to the bio hazardous cleaning services which are required when there has been a significant number of pigeons present at one time, who have completely defaced building materials, surfaces and floors, with their faeces, otherwise known as guano. As pigeon guano is extremely toxic to our individual health, where there is a high level of pigeon guano build up over a short or long period of time, contractors and workers alike cannot complete their work, nor can any member of public/ employee enter such an environment with the permission of their company/ employer. There should be strictly no access to such an area. It is essential that specialist’s cleaners are employed and the area is thoroughly decontaminated and made safe for contractors, members of the public and employees to continue with their activities.
Where would you usually find bird droppings which warrant the need to employ specialist cleaning?
It is the not the small quantities of bird droppings which will pose a significant health risk to an individual, it is when there are large quantities of pigeon guano which then pose a high risk. If you inhale the same air within an environment which has been defecated with bird droppings, the likelihood of you exposing yourself to possible, serious diseases such as; cryptococcus- which is a fungus generally found bird droppings and in soil which has been contaminated by pigeon guano. The level of risk to an one’s individual health becomes significantly higher compared to the more domestic types of bird droppings exposure when found in and around our domestic environments, such as; parks, our home windows, vehicles and in our gardens. You would usually find such high levels of bird droppings within abandoned buildings, underneath a large occupied tree, in and around a typically occupied space where pigeons like to gather.

How does pigeon guano affect your health?
If you were to become exposed to a large quantity of bird droppings in one or more settings, then the risk to you inhaling histoplasmosis is higher- this is a fatal respiratory disease which is culminated as a fungus growing inside the pigeon droppings. Such a fungus could also put you at risk of cryptococcosis- which is a potentially life threatening immune system disease.
The PPE which is essentially required when visiting an area over run by bird droppings:
- FFP3 face mask with filter
- Overalls
- Disposable gloves
- Hard hats (if applicable)
- High visability jackets (if applicable)
- None slip work wellies
If you are in need of professional bird dropping cleaning services, then contact us via phone: 08009991500 or email: Our sales representatives will respond to your enquiry, and they can guide you through the entire process from start to finish and answer any questions which you are concerned with.
As Easy As...
- Enquire
Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements and see what we can do to help you.
- Site Survey
We will come out and assess the site to see what's required to complete the job.
- Quotation
We will supply you with a detailed and competitively priced, accurate quote.
- Completion
We will supply you with a detailed and competitively priced, accurate quote.