Hazardous Cleaning Solutions
Germsfree provides businesses and homes with hazardous cleaning services. We can attend to your commercial premises or home with fast turnarounds so that you can get back to the normal day-to-day tasks. Where there has been a spill of hazardous substances such as; mercury or toxic chemicals which can cause significant harm to others.
Hazardous clean up services
Germsfree can attend your business or home nationwide, on time and leave you feeling satisfied all round with the service you have received. All of our operatives have been trained and accredited within their respective fields; bio-hazardous cleaning.
What to do if you or someone else has spilled an extremely hazardous-dangerous substance?
Do not attempt to clean up a dangerous hazardous substance as this could have long-term health implications for others or yourself. -
Who to contact when this has occurred?
You should call or email a specialist Bio Hazardous cleaning company who has the accreditation’s within hazardous clean-up services to ensure the area is completely restored back to a safe environment. There are many specialist cleaning companies who are very adamant they can clean up dangerous substances or hazardous substances, however, you can not be certain of their abilities unless they have acquired specific training and accreditations which state this particular company have received relevant training and knowledge relating to such incidents. -
What to expect when someone attends?
You should expect our operatives to attend in full personal protective clothing and equipment (PPE). Our technicians will always provide you with reassurance if at a time you are in despair. They will utilise certain equipment such as; spill kits or substances such as; Sulfur in cases where mercury has been spilt. -
How quickly can someone attend and remove/clean up the hazardous substance?
From the moment you have requested Germsfree to attend your facility or home, on the basis of an emergency clean-up of hazardous substances, then you should expect that they attend within 2 hours. Whilst on-site, depending on the significance of the spill, then it could be anything between 2 – 3 hours or 12 hours. In cases where there is a large spill, requiring more than two technicians, you will be informed of this prior to the works being completed. -
Is it really expensive to have a hazardous substance cleanup up?
Hazardous substances cleaning services are categorised as high risk, therefore rates for such cleaning do vary from company to company, however, Germsfree provides our clients with clear and direct pricing. There are no hidden charges and certainly no trickery with additional costs when additional time is required to complete the work. When we give you an estimated time frame based off of pictures, an on-site quotation otherwise detailed description ( with m2 detailed), then our pricing will always remain entrusted to that final quotation.
There is an abundance of hazardous substances and materials which can cause prolonged effects to health. Asbestos is a prime example of such materials. Asbestos generally is safe IF LEFT ALONE however if asbestos fibres are disturbed, then potentially asbestos fibres can be inhaled, and over a long period of time, this will impact the overall health of your lungs. Equally, such hazardous substances can have an undoubtedly negative impact on our surrounding environment, for example; ecosystems- soil, plants, waterways and animals. Mercury is often cited as a severely hazardous material/substance to which we humans and animals can become very unwell. Often, thermostats can have mercury within them, and if dropped and smashed, the mercury which is within will be distributed on the ground, and you should not try to clean this up your self.
At this point, you should seek a professionally informed technician to handle the removal and cleanup process after such an incident has occurred. If inhaled, mercury vapour can affect the nervous system, immune system, lungs and kidneys.

What types of hazardous substances do we respond too?
- Acids
- Caustic Substances
- Disinfectants
- Glues
- Heavy Metals, Including Mercury, Lead, Cadmium & Aluminium
- Paint
- Pesticides
- Petroleum Products
- Solvents
These are too list a few, but generally, Germsfree attend to most hazardous substance/material spillages and we ensure the safety of the environment is reinstated.
If you experience a spillage of any kind such as what has been mentioned, then please contact us on 08009991500 or email us via our contact form.
As Easy As...
- Enquire
Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements and see what we can do to help you.
- Site Survey
We will come out and assess the site to see what's required to complete the job.
- Quotation
We will supply you with a detailed and competitively priced, accurate quote.
- Completion
We will supply you with a detailed and competitively priced, accurate quote.