
Pigeon Guano (Droppings) on Construction Site (Bradford Live Odeon)

This client had a difficult issue to deal with namely pigeon proofing and also cleaning up pigeon guano that had built up over a significant time period. The building involved was the historically important Bradford Exchange Hall which was in the process of redevelopment to become the new Odeon Cinema.

We utilised specialist pigeon-proofing methodology to make certain that the problem did not get any worse. This necessitated making physical changes to the building in a sympathetic manner and was a tricky project. Once the building was pigeon proofed, we set about the difficult task of cleaning and sterilising the premises. This necessitated working at height (if only pigeons nested and roosted on the ground!).

We undertook ongoing cleaning at regular intervals to make certain that the building was fit for purpose and that it was safe and clean for construction workers, other visitors, staff and the general public. If left unchecked, bird droppings create further issues. Breathing dust or water droplets containing contaminated bird droppings can lead to several diseases, including Psittacosis– a rare infectious disease caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia psittaci. Clearly, nobody wants this and we are pleased to have been able to play a part in resolving this difficult issue.